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my resume / curriculum vitae (pt_BR)
cartosur ii - a project which i've worked @ orbisat
my first embedded linux article published at pcmaster magazine - microlinux (pt_BR @ 05/2002)
my .fvwm2rc file - be smart: replace your window manager by fvwm2
this is me working at 02:30am, on oct 4th, 2002 @ orbisat
my screenshot / fvwm2, mutt, ircII @ 20040204

dolly vs. coca-cola (pt_BR)
brazil: beyond citzen kane (en/pt_BR)
the face of the discrimination
why linux sucks
cocada how two (pt_BR)

4 fun
united states and its guns - spam
windows never exploited until patch available
what is the xp? (what is the matrix?) - xp reloaded (matrix reloaded)
the luxury of ignorance - user interfaces
microsoft wants its code back! cry baby, cry! (es)
microsoft: lets try to kill all ants in this world!
old news: linux reviews are bought rather than earned
ms windows and strcpy - a lovely pair
three days after the love has been discovered
who is she?
extreme problems with computers - audio cds
disabling audio cds copy-protection - sunncomm and topcomm, similar names... coincidence?
icq uin seller (pt_BR)
microsoft sits on security flaw for six months
ea - now hiring - for c programmers
microsoft advises to type in urls rather than click
microsoft lawyers threaten mike rowe (17)
vá à bosta
microsoft forgets to renew hotmail.co.uk
gates: you don't need a perfect code for good security
microsoft fires mac fan for blog photo
even microsoft wants g5s
windows really good
microsoft to charge for fat file system
serviço de atendimento ao consumidor (pt_BR)
fun playing with rapidstream firewall apliances
howto build your very own powered model aircraft - step by step
telemarketing da telefonica (pt_BR)
go go go! (es)
storm the front!

cool things
scientists freeze pulse of light, for an instant
kill -9 with a doom shotgun

other links
linux kernel


this page was made with a brain and is better seen using eyes
$Id: index.html,v 1.23 2004/02/27 15:47:36 fernando Exp $